This contest gives everyone a chance to be a winner.
The ultimate Survivor at Jamaica Bay will OUTPLAY, OUTLAST, and OUTWIN all the other competitors. |
.A total of $10,000 in prize money will be awarded to players during
the course of our five- week competition, including
a $5000 GRAND PRIZE.

The games will begin on October 25th and will run for four consecutive weeks, with the championship round to conclude on November 25th.
The time clock runs on GMT.
Each week, players will be required to play designated games and will compete in a Reward Challenge Game and an Immunity Challenge Game. The player must play at least the minimum amount of hands/spins/pulls for each game. Players are certainly welcome to play more than the minimum in an effort to improve their scores and increase their chances of winning. The specific games and their minimum requirements for each week are listed in the Challenge schedule below.
In the Reward Challenge Game, top players will receive cash prizes for their high scores. The number of winners and amount of awards to be given each week will be announced prior to the start of the game.
The players with the highest scores in the Immunity Challenge game will be given Immunity or a guarantee that they will continue to the next week of play even if they are not in the top scoring level for that week. The number of immunities to be granted each week will be announced prior to the start of games for that week. Any Jamaica Bay player that currently has VIP status will automatically receive one immunity at the onset of the game.

Each player will be scored on their best streak of play of the designated games during the week, not by the player’s total winnings at the end of play for the week. For example, in Week 1, the streak of 25 consecutive hands of baccarat in which each player wins the most money will be used to determine their score for that week. Even if a player has lost all his/her chips at the end of all hands played for the week, if their best streak of 25 consecutive hands resulted in $200 in winnings, 200 will be the score for that game. The required number of hands/spins/pulls in the winning streak for each specific game are listed in the Challenge schedule.
The reward score and the challenge score will be added together to give a weekly score. Scores are not cumulative from week to week.
Players will wager their own money during the competition except for the championship round. Games will be played at the casinos lowest levels of play.
(Example:Blackjack Minimum Bet $1, Maximum Bet $100)
Jamaica Bay Casino reserves the right to adjust these rules if necessary in the interest of fairness to all players. If differences in time cause a disadvantage to players in a particular zone, adjustments may be necessary. Any changes are solely at the discretion of Jamaica Bay Casino.
WEEK 1 |
(Oct 25-30) |
100 Hands
Best 25
Gold Pirates
200 Pulls
Best 50 |
Top 90% of original field will advance.
WEEK 2 |
(Oct 31- Nov 6) |
Caribbean Stud
100 Hands
Best 25
Killer Whale
200 Pulls
Best 50 |
Top 65% of the original field will advance.
WEEK 3 |
(Nov 7-Nov 14) |
50 Spins
Best 10
Pai-Gow Poker
100 Hands
Best 25 |
Top 25% of the original field will advance.
WEEK 4 |
(Nov 15-22) |
Omega Video Poker
200 Hands
Best 50
Black Jack
200 Hands
Best 50 |
Top Players will advance to Championship Round.
(Nov 25) |
Games to be played in this round will
be announced on Nov 23rd.
The top players will be chosen for a playoff. The winner will be the ultimate SURVIVOR and will receive the grand prize of $5,000.

- Some of these games are new for everyone. You don’t have to be familiar with every game in the casino to be a winner. You will increase your chances for success by practicing games that are new to you prior to the start of the contest and playing longer than the minimum requirement during the competition.
- Scores are not cumulative from week to week. All players start even at the beginning of the week.
- You don’t have to win the most money in each round to advance through the challenges.
- A consistent player with scores in the middle has as much chance of winning the grand prize as a top scoring player.
- Scores are determined by your best playing streak, not your total winnings.
- The objective is to survive each round and outlast the other competitors.