You can refer a total of 10 friends during a 30-day period to earn a bonus of $10 per friend!
- Click on the "Refer a friend" button in the casino lobby.
- Enter your friend's name and valid e-mail address in the appropriate fields and click OK.
- The casino will confirm your referral with a pop-up message indicating success or failure. Click on OK to close the message window.
- If your referral was successful, the casino's mail server will automatically send an e-mail message to your friend, inviting him or her to join you as a player at Jamaica Bay Casino.
- When your friend makes his or her first casino deposit, you will receive an e-mail message to notify you that a referral bonus has been credited to your bonus account.
To refer additional friends, simply repeat this process.
Terms and Conditions
- To earn bonus money as a referral agent, you must currently have a valid casino account and you must have deposited a total of at least $20 in this casino account. To refer a friend, you must log on to the online casino.
- You cannot refer a person that is already registered as a player at Jamaica Bay Casino.
- Only one referral agent can be credited with referring an individual. Only the first referral agent to refer a specific person's e-mail address is eligible to collect the bonus for referring that person.
- After a period of time, the database will delete pending friends who have not yet opened an account and/or made a casino deposit. Once deleted, these persons can be referred once again.
- A casino member is permitted to refer only up to 10friends within a 30-day period.
- Both the referred person's name and e-mail address must be stated so that the invitation to join Jamaica Bay Casino is e-mailed to the correct person should there be more than one person sharing the same e-mail address.
- A referred person is eligible to receive any promotional bonus currently granted to new casino players at the time he or she registers for casino membership or makes an initial casino deposit, depending on the details of the promotional campaign active at that time.
- The referral agent will receive a bonus of $10 in his or her bonus account at the time that his or her referred friend makes an initial casino deposit.
- The bonus will be credited to the referral agent's bonus account. The bonus cannot be immediately withdrawn, after the bonus is credited, Jamaica Bay bonus rules apply to this bonus.
Problems That May Occur
Please note that the referral agent will not receive a bonus for referring an individual if:
- the referral agent enters the incorrect e-mail address of the person they wish to refer.
- the referred individual creates a new account at the casino, but uses an e-mail address that is different from the one referred by the referral agent at the time he or she registers the new account. (To safeguard against this, Jamaica Bay Casino will advise the referred person to please use the specific e-mail address referred by his or her friend when he or she later registers for a new casino account.)