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Quickstart Guide to Jamaica Bay Casino

Here are the simple steps that will enable you to enjoy Jamaica Bay Casino. This guide will take you through the entire process, from downloading the software to collecting your winnings. If you've already downloaded and installed your Jamaica Bay Casino software, please jump down to the sections on how to play, deposit, and withdraw.

QuickStart Guide Sections:

To Download

  1. Choose to save the program file to a place on your computer where you will be able to find it. We recommend that you save the file to your desktop. If you do not change the name of the file, it will remain XXP_XX.exe ("XX" designates the latest version).
  2. If given the option?…Save as type: Application.
  3. The download process should take 20-30 minutes from start to finish, using a 33.6 KBPS modem. A T1 or similar connection will proceed much faster.

To Install

  1. When the download is complete, you will find the program file (XXP_XX.exe if you haven't re-named it--"XX" designates the latest version ) in the location where you saved it.
  2. Double-click on the file icon to automatically start the installation process.
  3. If you do not wish to store the program in the directory recommended, choose another directory. Just be sure you'll remember where you stored the file.
  4. Press the NEXT button to continue the installation process.
  5. When the installation has been completed, your casino program is ready to enjoy. To open the casino program, go to your START menu. Choose PROGRAMS. Find Jamaica Bay Casino in your program menu and click on the program to run Jamaica Bay Casino--or simply click on the game shortcut icon that has been placed on the desktop of your computer.

To Play

  1. The first time you run the casino program, you'll be required to enter a key code. If you downloaded the program from the casino web site, you should have automatically received a key code by e-mail at the e-mail address you submitted before downloading the software. If you received the casino program on CD-ROM, a key code should have been included.) If you require a key code, send a blank e-mail message to: .
  2. You can now choose to play "For Fun" or "For Real" by pressing the appropriate button on the initial casino menu.
  3. Choose to press the FOR FUN button when you wish to practice the games just for fun. Simply click on the CASHIER icon to replenish your account if your credit balance of fun money runs low.
  4. When you're ready to play online with real money, you will have to close and re-start the casino program. Press the FOR REAL button in the initial casino menu. You must wait a moment for your computer to establish a connection with the game server.
  5. Please read the license agreement and the terms of using Jamaica Bay Casino's software. Afterwards, press the "I AGREE" button.
  6. Press the NEW USER button to register as a member of Jamaica Bay Casino.
  7. Fill in the required address information. As a new member, you must choose a user name, password, and nickname. You can also select your own pictured image for identification at the tables. After you have verified that the entered information is correct, click OK and then follow the instructions on the screen.
  8. The casino games function in the same manner whether played online for real or offline for fun.

To Deposit

  1. To deposit money into your Jamaica Bay Casino account, click on the CASHIER in the main casino menu.
  2. In the Webdollar menu, click on DEPOSIT.
  3. Choose the method of account deposit in the Cashier Menu (Credit Card, Bank Draft, or Personal Check).
  4. A security code will automatically be sent to your registered postal address the first time you deposit money. You will require it for withdrawals and certain account deposits. The security code should reach US mainland residents within 3-5 days and residents of other nations in 1-3 weeks.

You will find more detailed information on how to deposit money at Jamaica Bay Casino in the "Electronic Transactions" section.

To Withdraw

  1. To withdraw money from your Jamaica Bay Casino account, click on the CASHIER.
  2. In the Webdollar menu, click on WITHDRAW.
  3. Choose the method of withdrawal in the Cashier Menu (Bank Draft or Wire Transfer).
  4. If you choose to withdraw money via bank draft, enter the withdrawal amount. Then enter your security code, and press OK. Your money will be sent to the address you specified in the "Personal Information" form. Money should reach US mainland residents in 3-5 days and residents of other nations in 1-3 weeks.
  5. If you choose to withdraw by wire transfer, enter the withdrawal amount. Enter the requested information about your bank. Next, enter your security code and press OK. You will receive your money in a few days.

You will find more detailed information on how to withdraw money at Jamaica Bay Casino in the "Electronic Transactions" section.

If you have remaining questions and/or desire more detailed information, please refer to Jamaica Bay Casino's web site and the Help information. Good luck at Jamaica Bay Casino!

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? 2000-2004 JamaicaBay Casino


