French Roulette
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The Game
The French Roulette game at Jamaica Bay Casino is based on internationally - accepted odds and game standards. The most obvious difference between French and American roulette is the game table layout and, of course, the odds! While an American roulette table displays both a single zero and a double zero, the French table displays only the single zero. The colors of the numbers on the French roulette table are white, while all numbers except the zero and double zero on an American table are either red or black. The locations of the numbers on the roulette wheels in the French and American games also differ.
The player odds in French roulette are much, much better than the odds in American roulette! Not only does the French game have just one zero, but players loose only 50% of their even-money wagers if the wheel stops on zero! This is known as the "La Partage" rule.
Jamaica Bay's French Roulette includes the following features:
- Game resolution 800*600.
- Up to 4 players can join the table.
- Chat with other players.
- Select a reserved table to play alone, or select the players you'd like to join.
- Table betting limits: $1-100, $5-500, and $25-1,000.
- New table spread (See "Betting Limits.") .
- Select maximum allotted betting time: 30, 45, or 90 seconds.
- Observe a game without joining in.
- Supports Direct X for maximum performance.
- Call Bets!
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How it Works
Once you have entered the online casino, you can easily check the guest book to see if any of your friends are currently in the casino and the games in which they are currently participating by clicking on "Information/Info." You can then go back to the game menu to select your game. When you enter a game room, some tables will be occupied while others will be free. If a table is marked "reserved," you must ask permission to enter. The player that initially opens the table has the authority to grant permission or deny access to new players. If you find all the tables occupied, simply click on the arrow in the upper right corner to move to the next game room.
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How to Play
Start by pressing the JOIN button within the game. Next, use your left mouse button to click on the value of the chip that you wish to wager. Then place the chip on the roulette table by clicking on the desired betting area. You can regret a wagered chip before the game begins by clicking on the wagered chip with your right mouse button. When you have placed your bets, press the DONE button. If you are alone at the table or all other players are done placing their bets, the DONE button will activate the roulette wheel.
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There are a variety of different bets in French roulette. Each bet covers a different set of numbers and has a different distribution, as shown in the "Winnings Table" section.
Straight Up
A chip can be wagered on any individual number, including zero (0). The chip is placed directly on the individual number.
Split Bet
A chip can be wagered on two adjacent numbers by placing the chip on the line dividing the two numbers. A chip can also be placed on the line dividing 0 & 1, 2 & 0, and 0 & 3.
Street Bet
Street bets cover three numbers. Place the chip on the outer right boundary line of the roulette table next to the corresponding row of three numbers. CASINO NAME now offers two new street bets: 0, 1, 2 and 0, 2, 3.
Corner Bet
Corner bets cover four numbers. Place the chip on the cross where the four numbers intersect. You may also wager on 0, 1, 2, 3 by placing the chip on the upper right boundary line of the roulette table between 0 and 3.
Line Bet
A line bet covers two street bets (i.e. the six different numbers in two rows of three numbers. For example: 4,5,6 + 7,8,9). Place the chip on the closest boundary line of the roulette table where it is intersected by the line dividing the two rows.
Announce Bets
Announces are call bets in French roulette. There are several types. Voisins, orphelins, and tiers divide the wheel into four areas. Finals are numbers ending with the same digit, and split finals are pairs of numbers ending with the same digits. Below you see an example of the graphics the game uses to call your announce bets:

Scroll to find the types of announce bets that you would like place. Next, decide the value of the chips that will cover your announce bets. In the example above, your wager on announce bets is $1 multiplied by 9 chips, resulting in a total wager of $9. If you want to increase your total wager by betting $2 per chip, simply click on the ADD BET button once for each $1 unit you wish to add to the value of a chip. Click on the DEC BET button if you wish to decrease the amount wagered by each chip by $1.
When you click on the BET button, your total wager will appear on the table.
Note that you may increase, decrease, or cancel your wagers at anytime before the wheel spins. Once the chips are placed on the table, you will need to pick them up individually to remove them.
We recommend that you practice the announce bets offline before you play the game with real money.
Neighbor Bets
Neighbor bets cover numbers located next to each other on the roulette wheel. For example, if you wanted to wager on the number 25 plus the number immediately to the left and the number immediately to the right of 25 on the roulette wheel, you would call a 1-number neighbor bet on 25 that includes the numbers 2, 25, and 17. Below you see an example of the graphics the game uses to call your neighbor bets:

Scroll to choose a number and then decide how many "neighbors" of that number (one, two, three or four) you would like to include in your wager. Next, decide the value of the chips that will cover your neighbor bets. In the example above, your neighbor bet is $1 multiplied by 5 chips, resulting in a total wager of $5. If you want to increase your total wager by betting $2 per chip, simply click on the ADD BET button once for each $1 unit you wish to add to each wagered chip. Click on the DEC BET button if you wish to decrease the amount wagered by each chip by $1.
When you click on the BET button, your total wager will appear on the table.
Note that you may increase, decrease or cancel your wager at anytime before the wheel spins. Once the chips are placed on the table, you will need to pick them up individually to remove them.
We recommend that you practice the neighbor bets offline before you play the game with real money.
Column Bet
There are three boxes on the lower end of the table. By placing your chip in one of these boxes, you mark all twelve numbers above it (excluding 0).
Dozen Bet
In American roulette, the table includes boxes labeled 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. The corresponding boxes on the French roulette table are found in two areas and are labeled 12P (1st dozen), 12M (2nd dozen), and 12D (3rd dozen).
Red/Black, Even/Odd, High/Low Bets
A bet placed in one of the boxes on the either side of the table covers half of the numbers on the roulette table (excluding zero). Each box covers 18 numbers.
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The betting limits are $1-100, $5-500, and $25-1,000.
$1 to $100 Betting Limit
Each separate outside bet has a $1 minimum and $100 maximum. For example, you may bet $100 on black and $100 on even.
Each inside bet has a $1 minimum and $100 maximum. The total sum of all inside bets must equal $1, but a $100 bet can be placed on several different numbers ($100 on 14, $100 on 15, $100 on 16, etc.).
$5 to $500 Betting Limit
Each separate outside bet has a $5 minimum and $500 maximum. Each 2 to 1 bet has a $250 maximum.
The minimum total wager on inside bets in a single game is $5. A player may bet any combination of chip sizes, as long as the total wagered amount on inside bets equals at least $5. For example, you can place $1 on 14, $1 on 35, $1 on 23, and $5 on 8. The maximum limit on any individual inside bet is $100.
$25 to $1,000 Betting Limit
Each separate outside bet has a $25 minimum and $1,000 maximum. Each 2 to 1 bet has a $500 maximum.
The minimum total wager on inside bets in a single game is $25, with at least a $5 wager on each individual bet. For example, you can place $5 on 14, $5 on 35, $5 on 23, and $25 on 8. A player may bet any combination of chips valued $5 and up, as long as the total wagered amount on inside bets equals at least $25. The maximum limit on any individual inside bet is $1,000.
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Up to four players can sit at a multi-player table. Each player has chips of a unique color. Your chips are always displayed on top of all other players' chips.
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The multi-player game is played in real time. This means that you will have a specified amount of time in which to place your bets before the wheel is spun. A time clock in the game window displays the time remaining to place bets before the wheel is spun. The time allotted for bets may differ from table to table, but it remains the same during different rounds at the same table. As long as the highlighted color is green, you can place bets without restrictions. When the color changes to yellow, you can still place bets, but you must hurry. When the color changes to red, the dealer says, "No more bets, please" and the wheel begins to spin.
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When the wheel stops spinning and the winning number is displayed, all winning bets on the table are paid. A new round then starts immediately by giving players the allotted time to place their bets. The winning number display shows the results of the previous 17 spins.
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If you wish to play alone, please feel free to select a "reserved table."
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Disconnections may occur from time to time, but CASINO NAME is prepared for such an event. If you are disconnected during a game in progress, you will be notified upon re-entering the casino that you have an unfinished game and you will be asked whether you wish to DISCARD or RESTORE the game. We strongly advise you to RESTORE your game to be taken to the table to finish the spin. If you choose DISCARD, you will lose your wager.
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Chip Covers |
Term |
Pays |
1 number |
Straight Up |
35 to 1 |
2 number |
Split Bet |
17 to 1 |
3 number |
Street Bet |
11 to 1 |
4 number |
Corner Bet |
8 to 1 |
6 number |
Line Bet |
5 to 1 |
12 number |
Dozen Bet or Column Bet |
2 to 1 |
18 number |
Red/Black, Even/Odd , High/Low Bets |
1 to 1 |
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Options Dialog Box
In French Roulette, the Options dialog box offers the following game settings:
- Music (pick your own).
- Play sound effects.
- Show player win sum.
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Shortcut Keys
The following shortcut keys are available in French Roulette:
Make the same bet again
Activate the wheel
Open Options dialog box
Open Help files
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